Do you think Sony has what it takes to dethrone Apple? Is it too late? Sound off in the comments!───你认为索尼能采取什么措施打败苹果呢?这会不会太晚?赶快发表你的评论吧!
me, dethrone me, but please leave me a little dignity!───我的命,夺去我的皇位吧,但至少留与朕一点尊严吧!
The plant may dethrone an 18-leaf clover, also found by Shigeo, in the Guinness World Records.───该植物将超过同样是小原发现的18叶三叶草的吉尼斯世界纪录。
Some friends and colleagues ask if I have not been guilty of trying to dethrone Keynes in favour of Friedman.───一些朋友和同事问我,是否为摒弃凯恩斯、推崇弗里德曼(Friedman)而感到内疚?
The US dollar has been the king of currencies since the first world war, when it began to dethrone the pound sterling.───在第一次世界大战期间,美元开始篡夺英镑的王位,自此之后,便一直是世界货币之王。
This is a year to dethrone terrorist's spirits that try to intimidate the nations through spiritual warfare.───这是罢黜企图藉著属灵战争威吓万国的恐怖之灵的一年。