Obscure meaning
隐晦意义───Obscure meaning
essay has occasional errors in vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, which may lead to obscure meaning, but for the most part displays some ability to use the language with accuracy.───在词汇,拼写,标点或句法方面有一些错误,导致文章意思模糊,但基本上可以反映出考生正确使用语言能力。
Thee essay has occasional errors in vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, which may lead to obscure meaning, but for the most part displays some ability to use the language with accuracy.───缇在词汇,拼写,标点或句法方面有一些错误,导致文章意思模糊,但基本上可以反映出考生正确使用语言能力。
The response contains language errors or expressions that largely obscure connections or meaning at key junctures.───响应中包含一些语言错误或表达方式,这些错误或表达方式在关键时刻严重掩盖了其联系或含义。
Pomposity and long-windedness tend to obscure meaning, or reveal the lack of it: strip them away in favour plain words.───华丽且冗长饶舌的词容易使意义含混,或根本无法表达意义:舍弃之转而用朴实的词汇。
serious and frequent problems in sentence structure or language usage, with errors that obscure meaning.───在句子结构或语言使用上控制能力较弱,经常出现错误导致意思模糊不清。