The explanation was concise , even elliptical to the verge of obscurity.───这份解释三缄其口, 甚至省略到了模糊的地步.
For the lucky few, there's the chance of being plucked from obscurity and thrown into the glamorous world of modelling.───只有极少数幸运儿才有机会从籍籍无名中脱颖而出,进入光鲜亮丽的模特圈。
It is the custom to consider that wit lies in obscurity.───现在人们都把晦涩当成聪明.
Many great men rose from obscurity to fame.───许多伟人都是从卑微变得显赫的.
He lives in obscurity and contends with hardship.───他默默无闻、茹苦含辛.
For all its obscurity, the market they operate in is huge.───有一个显著的特点是, 商业天使的这块投资市场是巨大的.
He spent most of his life working in obscurity.───他在默默无闻的工作中度过了大半生。
No longer do small country auction houses have to languish in obscurity.───不会再有小的乡下拍卖行在犄角旮旯里自生自灭了.