For the rich and the powerful, keeping marital relations has become fashionable, particularly in officialdom.───由于财富和权力, 拥有婚外情在官场中逐渐变得时髦和显著起来.
During the Norman Conquest British officialdom took on French as their official language.───诺曼人征服英国期间,英国官场采用法语作为官方语言.
All these are incompatible with the foul of officialdom.───这一切无不与污浊官场格格不入.
Owing to dark officialdom, he was exiled to the West of China.───嘉庆年间由于官场黑暗, 他被清廷流放西域.
What do these criticisms add up to? Not much, if officialdom is to be believed.───这些批评说明了什么? 说明不了多少东西 —— 假如可以相信官方机构的话.
Officialdom has been against us from the start.───大小官僚从一开始就是我们的阻碍。
Officialdom has been against us from the start.───官僚们从一开始就反对我们。
The first category second category portrays the ideal officialdom in writers " mind. "───第二类作品刻画作者心目中的理想化 官场.