Open arms
旷───Wide open;抱───Embrace
The door was wide open.───门四敞大开。
She had left the door wide open.───她把房门敞开着。
The child had left the inner door wide open.───这个孩子让里面的门大开着。
But no trick was needed to draw people here to see the plant. They had their eyes - and nostrils - wide open.───但是吸引人们去观赏这株植物并不需要耍把戏。他们已经睁大了眼睛,并准备积极品味魔芋的腐臭了。
They were looking at me with eyes wide open, like . . .───他们看着我,眼睛睁得圆圆的,像……
Brown then finds something that throws the case wide open. Plutarch actually acknowledges that he does not know exactly how Cleopatra died.───接着Brown发现一些事情可以使此案初见端倪。Plutarch事实上承认他不能确切的知道克利奥帕特拉是如何死亡的。