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Oral English


口语───oral language;你你───You, you


In language learning, reading is initially used to consolidate oral language practice.───阅读是学生们在日后生活中可能最为常用的英语技能.

This approach to oral language assessment has been criticized by linguists on a number of grounds.───这种口语测验的方式已遭语言学家以多种理由批评.

There are those who think that in this respect picture language preceded oral language.───也有一些人,他们认为在这方面是先有绘图文字后有口头语言.

It is oral language translated into a permanent and at times a more structured form.───它实际上就是一种被译成永久性的,更多情况下是一种结构化的形式的口头语言.

Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.───将会特别强调口语训练。

Probably picture language and oral language developed side by side.───绘图文字和口头语言很可能是并驾齐驱发展起来的.

Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.───口语训练将给予非同寻常的重视。

Lecture language is a language variety between written language and oral language.───讲演体是介于日常口语与书面语之间的一种语言变体。


The language in the samples contains syntactic patterns and inter-sentence relationships not found in oral language.

There are certain precedents for this voice switch in oral language.

The ambiguity of layman's oral language should not be lost in specialised technical language.

Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.

Education in oral language is context-based and imitative.

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随机手机笑话: 搞笑短信:你那两粒才是小的!

1 小猪小猪肚子凸凸,脚也粗粗脸也嘟嘟,一只嘴巴有进不出,小猪小猪身在何处,看着手机气喘呼呼.............

2 有3只老鼠在比勇气第1只说:我每天把捕鼠器当举重练,第2只说:我每天把老鼠药当维他命吸,第3只掉头走另2只问你要去哪里他说我要回家操猫去了!

3 那天??握住那东西上下摇晃,叫??轻轻的别太激烈,??就是不听,结果喷的??身上湿湿黏黏的,...............看吧!早跟??说香槟会喷吧!

4 老男人是次品;小男孩是半成品;少男是妙品;处男是极品;中年男人是别人的战利品;自己的老公是普通食品;别人的老公是补品.

5 您好!这里是讯息中心,当您收到这封讯息时,表示您的手机已经中毒了!请赶紧将内裤脱下,并将内裤套在头上,大喊"我是蝙蝠侠"才能破解!

6 一江春水,一江涛,一山更比一山高。发个信息给草包,草包准把手机掏,掏出手机低头看,发现自己是笨蛋。哈哈。


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