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He founded the Centre for Journalism Studies at University College Cardiff.───他在加的夫大学学院成立了新闻学研究中心。
Success or failure of journalistic education is directly related to the future of journalism.───新闻教育的成败直接关系到新闻事业的前途.
Yellow journalism is hardly educational And informative, but a lot of people love it.───八卦新闻没什麽教育性和知识性, 可是许多人爱看.
It was an accomplished piece of investigative journalism.───这是一个成功的调查研究报道。
Many magazine use yellow journalism to sell copy.───许多杂志用哗众取宠办报作风来增加销售量.
The article was an excellent piece of investigative journalism .───这是一篇优秀的调查研究报道。
The difference between journalism and literature is that journalism is unreadable and literature is not read.───报纸和文学的区别是,报纸没法读,而文学则没人读.
The club is planning a public debate on "This house believes that journalism has not gained from the introduction of new technology".───该俱乐部拟就“我方辩手认为新闻报道并没有从新技术中获益”一题进行一次公开辩论。