Privacy protection
You're a menace to my privacy, Kenworthy.───肯沃西,你这人真讨厌,居然侵犯我的隐私。
Is reading a child'sdiary always a gross invasion of privacy?───偷看孩子的日记一定是对个人隐私的严重侵犯吗?
This was a shocking invasion of privacy.───这是对隐私的公然侵犯。
A supportive house for eight to ten older people, each with his or her own room, provides privacy and a sense of community.───一幢扶助性住宅可供8至10位老人居住,每个人都有自己单独的房间,在这里,他们既能独处,又有社区归属感。
She wept in the privacy of her own room.───她在自己房内暗暗落泪.
California's state Constitution includes a guarantee of privacy.───加利福尼亚的州宪法涵盖对隐私权的保障.
These men were violating her family's privacy.───这些人侵犯了她的家庭隐私。
They showed a brazen disregard for her privacy.───他们明目张胆地无视她的隐私权.