Private kitchen
Most people would have been knocked over, China is all over the place, pots in the kitchen are on the floor, boiling water everywhere.───船上大多数人都会被震倒,瓷器摔得满地都是,厨房里的瓶瓶罐罐也会全部倒下,沸水四溅。
If homework is strewn across the kitchen table and toys are piling up around the sofa, you probably wish there was a bit more space.───当作业散布在饭桌上,玩具堆积在沙发上时,你或许会祈求多一点空间。
There was just a piece of loose-leaf on the stairs labelled "Deceased Female" and one on the kitchen floor labelled "Deceased Male. "───在厨房的地板上有另一张写着“男死者。”