Professional salesman
Rack Brochure is a powerful tool for salesperson to sell hotel facility and service.───宣传册是我们的销售人员推销饭店服务设施时强有力的工具.
The main responsibility of a salesperson is to conclude a sale successfully.───售货员的主要职责就是成功地完成销售.
The salesperson is very kind.───钟:你们这里的售货员真热情啊!
One salesperson got great results, others failed to hit the mark.───一位销售员取得了很好的成绩, 其他人未能达到目标.
Although I was the youngest salesperson in the store, I had the second highest sales total.───我虽然是公司年龄最小的销售员, 但我的销售额却名列第二.
The customer will expect detailed information and the salesperson should be able to give it.───顾客期望得到详细的信息而销售员应该能够提供这些信息.
The job is for a salesperson five days a week after school.───这个工作是当销售员,时间是放学后,每周五天.
We did not have a single salesperson on commission.───我们连一个靠抽取佣金拿提成的销售员都没有.
The salesperson gave him a bottle of ink.