Public wine
公酒───Public wine
A survey by Sweden's National Institute of Public Health asked how often drinking sessions turned into binges (defined as one person drinking a whole bottle of wine or more).───瑞典国家公共卫生研究所的调查询问人们,正常的饮酒变为豪饮的几率有多大(豪饮的定义为一个人喝完整瓶酒或是更多)。
Not since with Joe, at Shelly Hot Springs, with the one exception of the wine he took with the Portuguese grocer, had Martin had a drink at a public bar.───自从在雪莉温泉和乔对饮之后马丁除了跟杂货店的葡萄牙老板喝过之外就再也没有在酒店喝过酒。
be well-acquainted with the songs composed by Qiao Yu, but they might actually know very little about his two major hobbies-fishing and wine-drinking.───的歌大家都熟悉。 但他另外两大爱好却鲜为人知,那就是钓鱼和喝酒。