pursue pleasure
追欢───pursue pleasure
Fools pursue pleasure regardless of the cost.───愚人只追求享乐,而不顾代价。
Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.───愚者追求享乐,而不顾成本。
Secretly you will pursue pleasure and openly you will be forced by the culture in which you live to conform to the respectable.───私下里你追求快感,而对外你被你所生活的文化所强迫去屈从于一种体面的方式。
In so far as we act on inclination or pursue pleasure, we act as means to the realization of ends given outside us.───当我们出于好恶或享乐而行为,我们成了实现目的手段,而这个目的是外加给我们的。
As we pursue pleasure and avoid pain, potential struggles come and go unnoticed , and with them, so many opportunities.───当我们追求享受、躲避痛苦时,潜在的竞争往往不期而至,又不辞而别,随之带来、带走的是诸多的人生机会。