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pay too dear for one's whistle


明珠───bright pearl;弹雀───Lark


It's certainly like a bright pearl here.───这里当然像一颗明珠了。

Chinese lacquer is a treasure house of ancient Chinese culture in a bright pearl.───中国漆器工艺是古老华夏文化宝库中一颗璀璨夺目的明珠。

Our superior geographical position breeds the bright pearl of our company.───这得天独厚的地理环境,孕育了公司这颗灿烂的明珠。

Located in the Yellow Sea coast known as a bright pearl of Yancheng said the Dafeng City.───座落在素有黄海之滨一颗璀璨的明珠之称的盐城大丰市。

As a bright pearl, Jianghaimingzhu Paper-Industry Co. is willing to create the glorious future together with you!───江海明珠纸业宛如一颗璀璨明珠,愿与您共创美好的未来!

Our efforts, together with your trust will force the growth of IT sector a bright pearl.───我们的努力,加上您的信任会让这支队伍成长为IT界的一颗璀璨的明珠。


Nowadays, railroad already became boreal border the bright pearl of a bright.

The & quot ; East Bright Pearl & quot ; stands erect and unshakable in Pudong, Shanghai.

Semiconductor superlattice is an active forward position in condensed state physics and a bright pearl in development history of semiconductor science technology.

Breathe freely and pure bright: pearl whitening essence can form protective film on the surface of the skin to prevent yellowness of skin caused by oxidation.

Mathematics communication is the demand of new standard on course, and"Culture of Harmoniousness" is a bright pearl of splendid traditional culture in China.

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