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payment received


收讫───payment received


Please contact the Official Contractor at Tel : 2836 3863 to confirm payment received and order processing.───请致电大会承建商28363863确定款项收妥及申请已被接纳.

Once your payment received, we'll ship the item within 24 business hours and provide you the tracking number.───我们将在您付款后24小时内为您发货,并提供相关运单查询号。

Hospital may at any time cancel any unconfirmed booking with no payment received.───医院可随时取消任何未经付款确认的预约登记。

Items will be shipped within two business days of payment received.───Items贝宝将在两个工作日内发货收到付款.

We will dispatch the sample as soon as payment received.───我们将会在受到付款后,尽快寄出样品.

Remittance A non - credit payment received by a bank from another bank, including cash, checks and EFT.───汇入汇款银行从另一家银行收到的 非 信贷付款, 包括现金 、 支票和EFT( 电子资金转账).

He received a compensatory payment of $20 000.───他获得了2万元的赔偿金。

There is no charge ( except for cash advances ) if the payment received promptly.───除非预支现金,如能及时付款,无需任何费用.


Remittance A non - credit payment received by a bank from another bank, including cash, checks and EFT.

Please contact the Official Contractor at Tel : 2836 3863 to confirm payment received and order processing.


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