Linus Pauling is an unconventional genius.───莱纳斯·鲍林是个标新立异的天才人物。
Why is every body so interested in seeing Pauling . . . Now Raymond wants to see Pauling too!───为什么人人都对见到鲍林感兴趣······现在雷蒙德也想见鲍林!
We rushed over to the chemistry department and said, "Could Pauling be right? "───我们是直奔化学系,去问那里的人:“鲍林有可能是正确的吗?”
And I think part of the reason she didn't want to build models was, she wasn't a chemist, whereas Pauling was a chemist.───而我觉得她不想建造模型的一部分原因就是因为她不是化学家,而鲍林则是位十足的化学家。
Linus Pauling is an unconventional genius.