Qing Dynasty
清暎───Qing Dynasty
This gold seal belonged to a constable in the Qing Dynasty.───展览的这颗金印是清代的巡抚用过的.
These imitations of Qing - dynasty - style Buildings are of quiet elegance and classic Beauty.───这些仿清建筑,幽雅别致,古色古香.
This stage was indeed built in the Qing Dynasty.───这座戏台的确是清朝时期的建筑.
During the Qing Dynasty, philology was a mere handmaid of classical studies.───语言文字学在清代还只是经学的附庸.
The song was composed during the Qing Dynasty.───这首歌是在清朝创作的。
An overlay snow - white glass vase with flowers design , Qing Dynasty.───清乾隆雪地套玻璃花卉盖瓶.
A glass chimney lamp with a bronze base , Qing Dynasty.───清铜座玻璃罩灯.
Yes, there were a lot of translators in late Qing dynasty. Do you know the most famous one, Lin Shu?───啊,晚清期间也涌现了很多翻译家,最出名的林纾,你知道吧?
The imperialist powers forced the Qing Dynasty to sign a series of unequal treaties.