The values and achievements of agricultural economic management in Qimin Yaoshu are firstly put forward in this paper, and its essential ideas and viewpoints are summed up as well.───了《齐民要术》的农业经济管理思想成就和价值,从五个方面总结了其基本观点。
that Wang Qimin is an uncannily supple dancer, with a technique so precise she can create whatever physical metaphors she chooses.───王启敏柔软得令人感到神秘惊异,她的技术如此精确,以至于可以塑造任何她选择的隐喻性的角色。
It helped that Wang Qimin is an uncannily supple dancer, with a technique so precise she can create whatever physical metaphors she chooses.───王启敏柔软得令人感到神秘惊异,她的技术如此精确,以至于可以塑造任何她选择的隐喻性的角色。
Qimin You, its inventor and Ustar's founder, graduated in North America and worked for Western multinationals for many years.───优思达公司创始人兼该试剂发明人尤其敏毕业于北美大学并在西方跨国公司任职多年。
Qian Qimin, of Shenyin Wanguo Securities in Shanghai, says he expects supportive action from the government when the index reaches 2, 000.───上海申银万国证券(ShenyinWanguoSecurities)的钱启敏表示,他预计,当股指达到2000点时,政府将出手救市。