Right Premier
They're ready to go all out for the Premier League title next season.───他们准备全力以赴,夺取下赛季的超级联赛冠军。
This is the Royal Residence a Premier a mystery castle in the Orient.───这里就是皇城相府,一座神秘的东方城堡.
Premier Zhou's illustrious deeds are an everlasting monument in the hearts of the Chinese people.───周总理的光辉业绩在中国人民心中立下了不朽的丰碑.
He requested that the premier grant him an internview.───他要求那位总理接见他一次.
She attends Britain's premier university.───她就读于英国最好的大学.
He entered on his second year of office as Premier on Oct . 1.───10月1日他进入了首相任期的第二个年头.
Premier! Premier, we know your heart deeply, every moment you about us.───总理 啊 !总理, 我们深深懂得你的心, 每一刻你都把我们惦念.
He has paid a visit to Australian Premier.───他拜访了澳大利亚总理。
The new premier is forming his government mainly from young men.