Now ( MRSA ) and a new Gram - negative bacteria bacterium , which is called multidrug - resistant Acinetobacter baumann i.───另外一种是新发现的革兰氏阴性细菌, 叫多重耐药性鲍曼不动杆菌.
Compound bacterium will not directly affect aquatic biology but improve the survival environment of aquatic biology.───对水生生物没有直接的作用,主要是通过改变水生生物的生存环境而产生作用.
singular of 'bacteria' is 'bacterium'.───的单数形式是bacterium。
Rickettsia is a bacterium which can cause many diseases that are transmitted by blood-sucking parasitic arthropods.───立克次氏体是一种细菌,这种细菌可引起多种疾病,并通过吸血节肢寄生动物传播。
With fast sterilize ability , it can kill bacterium and vermin eggs etc. in 2~6 minutes normally.───杀菌速度快,一般只需2~6分钟即可杀灭细菌和虫卵等.
Virus is smaller than bacterium living things, explains once bacterium, its creation, growth growth and structure.───病毒是比细菌小的生物, 解释一下细菌, 它的产生, 生长,发育及结构.