Racing game
Mr Honda was himself a keen racing driver in his younger days.───本田先生自己年轻时就是位热衷赛车的车手。
The country girl stood by the road, mesmerized at the speed of cars racing past.───村姑站在路旁被疾驶而过的一辆辆车迷住了.
I made sure I sounded calm but my mind was racing.───我确保自己听上去很镇定,但脑筋却飞快地转着。
Williams freely admits he lives for racing.───威廉斯坦承他为赛车而活。
His abiding passion was ocean racing, at which he scored many successes.───他一直酷爱海上赛艇,并多次在比赛中获胜。
I was watching the racing on television last night.───昨晚我在电视上看赛马.
A rifleman was racing out of the open door.───一名步兵正从打开的门中冲出来.
Already her mind was racing ahead to the hundred and one things she had to do.───她的脑子已经急速地转动起来,思考自己必须做的那一大堆事。
Fear sent her pulse racing .
The runners and riders appear in Friday's Racing Post.
The general standard of racing was abysmal.
The racing season starts in June.
Time is racing toward us.