Raising public awareness of animal protection
The cheetah is generally credited as the world's fastest animal.───猎豹被公认是世界上跑得最快的动物.
We were amused to see how assiduously the animal groomed its fur.───看着这只动物如此认真地梳理自己的毛,我们被逗乐了。
Watch any young human being, or any other young animal.───注意儿童或其他幼小动物。
The animal retracted into its shell.───这只动物缩回到自己的壳里。
It is pitiful to see that the life of an animal in a zoo is spent in an locked iron cage.───看到动物园里的动物一生都被关在铁笼子里,真是令人可怜.
There are a lot of animal parks in South Africa.───在南非有许多野生动物园.
Animal husbandry on the grassland is developing rapidly.───草原上的畜牧业在迅速发展.
He was unable to control the animal in himself.───他控制不了自己兽性的发作.