Rate excitation
率励───Rate excitation
The article contains the derivations of the formula of separate coefficient, the conditions of the selective optical excitation and the excited rate for isotope separation as an actual application.───作为实际应用,本文导出了分离同位素时分离系数的计算公式和用短脉冲的选择性激发同位素必须满足的条件以及激发速率的计算方法。
Selectivity and excitation rate of laser isotope separation can be enhanced by using the coherent selective Doppler-free two-photon excitation with intermediate resonant level.───利用具有中间共振能级的无多普勒双光子相干选择激发来提高激光同位素分离的选择性和激发速率。
The results show that the vibration of drilling strings will produce the fluctuation of weight on bits by random excitation, so the bit life and drilling rate are affected largely.───结果表明,在地层随机激励作用下,钻柱的振动将会引起钻压的波动,从而影响钻头的寿命及其钻进的速度。