Reflecting warmth
映暧───Reflecting warmth
Home is a place to rest, mainly reflecting the warmth and harmony.───居家是休息的地方,主要体现温馨和谐。
years or so since the glaciers last went into full-scale retreat have seen periods of relative cooling and warmth lasting from decades to centuries.───年前,冰河期终于全线撤退,从地球上消失。 从此,地球进入几十年到几个世纪的冬夏轮换时期,春夏秋冬,四季轮转,孜孜不息。 可见,气候本身就一直处在变化之中。
Naye's poems where intensive feminine feeling and thinking can been seen throughout, the space of her poem is beautiful and tender, reflecting warmth.───娜夜的诗歌随处可见女性细微的体女性,她的诗歌空间柔软美丽,辉映着温暖。