Register words
祅辞───Register words
Well, for a good person who is an entrepreneur, those register strong yeses and then people are with you and then they will listen to your words. If you don't have that, that thing doen't work at all.───对一个道德品质高尚的企业家而言,答案完全是肯定的,于是人们就会跟随你,听从你,如果你不具备这一点,你就做不到这一点。
Some extraordinarily clever person realized that since ESP was now an index register the EBP register no longer had to be dedicated for accessing variables on the stack. In other words, instead of───某些异常聪明的人意识到既然ESP现在成了索引寄存器,EBP寄存器不再致力于访问栈上的变量。
I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing the words' register globals' again.───我希望在我的余生里,再也不要听到这个词“register globals”(注册全局变量)。