I'll sure remember this trip!───我绝不会忘记这次旅行!
I can't remember the combination.───我不记得密码锁的数码组合了。
I did remember, but only dimly.───我的确记得,只是记不太清楚了。
Remember not to be so caught up with crying over a lost skateboard that you miss the Rolls Royce that's parking right in front of you.───记住不要为丢失一个滑板而嚎啕大哭,因为前面正有一辆劳斯莱斯在等着你。
Remember that this plug-in is not included in your runtime configuration; actually, it should not be included in your workspace yet.───请记住该插件不包含在运行时配置中;实际上它也不应包含在工作区中。
If the company gives you a password for your computer, you should not write it down on a piece of paper. Try to remember it instead.───如果公司给你电脑密码,不要把它写在纸上,试着将密码记住。
I've seen the book somewhere,but I don't remember where.
Remember to bring the report.
If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always.
The remedy for injuries is not to remember them.
I can't remember his name.