relatives and old friends
亲故───relatives and old friends
helping people reconnect with old flames, childhood friends and even long-lost relatives, the Internet is giving rise to a newer phenomenon: the decades-late apology.───网络正在帮助人们重新联络昔日恋人、儿时好友甚至是失散多年的亲人,并带来了一种较新的现象:迟来数十年的道歉。
He also showed much love for all his relatives and old friends.───他也为他所有的亲戚和老朋友表示很多的爱。
Yesterday relatives and friends told the tragic story of how Khan, a 44-year-old woman from Cardiff, came to be in one of the world's most dangerous places.───昨天,科汗的亲戚朋友讲述了来自加的夫44岁的汗是怎么到世界最危险的地方去的悲伤故事。