a dry goods store───纺织品商店
Most cows run dry in about 10 months.───大多数乳牛约10个月后就不再有奶了.
The usurers are leeches; they have drained us dry.───高利贷者是吸血鬼, 他们吸干了我们的血汗.
The ground was dry and firm underfoot.───脚下踩的土地又干又硬。
The sun will soon dry up the roads.───太阳很快就会把道路晒干的.
Once the plaster was dry there was no room for correction.───一旦灰泥一干,就没有机会修改了。
Peter's friends do all they can to dry him out.───彼得的朋友们竭力使他戒酒.
She hung the washing on the line to dry.───她把洗好的衣服晾在绳子上.
The dry grass caught fire.
He wiped his boots dry with an old rag.
Dry wood makes a good blaze.
They used dry twigs to start the fire.
Go and rub your hands dry.