sniper elite
The Kuojun sniper picked out his target and pulled the trigger, the bullet found its mark.───国军狙击手, 选定目标,也轻轻的扣下了扳机.一发中的.
A navy medic was wounded by sniper fire.───一位海军军医被狙击手射伤了。
Snake : Eva , I found that sniper you were talking about.───我发现你所说的狙击手了.
He stars away of < SNIPER > will be shown, I expect very much.───马上他主演的《神枪手》就要上映了, 我很期待.
I believe a sniper in that roof have the house of hole!───我相信狙击手就在那座屋顶有窟窿的房子里!
People are afraid to venture out for fear of sniper attacks.───由于害怕狙击手,人们不敢冒险外出。
The myth of the Japanese sniper is exploded by returning officers.───从前线回来的军官揭露了日本狙击手的神话.
Kite him into a Flame Mine set by a Sniper to ignite him.───把他引入阻击兵设置的烈焰矿井中,让他着火.