Be careful of bending that spoon.───当心别把汤匙弄弯.
The baby was banging the table with his spoon.───小宝宝用调羹敲打着桌子。
He blew on his soup before slurping it off the spoon.───他吹了吹勺子里的汤,然后啧啧地喝了下去。
Don't leave the aluminium spoon in the saltcellar. It will be eaten into by salt.───别把铝勺留在盐罐中,因为盐腐蚀铝.
Jarvis took the wooden spoon in the first tournament.───贾维斯在第一次锦标赛上垫底。
Gradually pour the liquid into the flour, working it in carefully with a wooden spoon.───慢慢将液体倒入面粉,同时用木勺轻轻地将两者搅在一起。
Work the oil gradually into the yolks with a wooden spoon.───用木勺将油慢慢掺到蛋黄中。
The spoon slipped out of his hand.───汤匙从他的手中滑落.