starting point
起点───starting point
Their starting point is bourgeois despotism, which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie.───他们的出发点是资产阶级专制主义, 在文化上就是资产阶级的文化专制主义.
Is it true that every thing has gone back to the starting point?───真的一切似乎都已经回到了原点了 吗 ?
The newly built airport acts as a starting point for safaris into the game parks and reserves of northern Tanzania.───新建的机场是去坦桑尼亚北部野生动物园和保护区观看野生动物的出发点。
Mark this as your starting point by resetting the counter to 0.───把计数器重置为零,以此标记为你的起点.
Patterns a starting point, a destination.───模式是起点, 而不是终点.
But they provide a starting point for students trying figure out which school to attend.───但是它们至少提供了一个起点,让学生据此决定选择哪个学校.
It's just a starting point.───那只是一个开始.
They had already walked a couple of miles or more from their starting point.───他们从起点出发已经走了至少几英里。
Their starting point is bourgeois despotism, which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie.