The crowd suddenly poured into the store.───人群突然涌进商店.
Then suddenly, the engine coughed, spluttered and died.───然后,发动机突然咔咔地响着,发出一阵噼啪声,接着就彻底熄火了。
Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.───他忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔长吁短叹.
Suddenly a face appeared at the window.───玻璃窗上突然露出一张面孔.
He was suddenly caught in the full beam of a searchlight.───他突然被探照灯照中而暴露无遗.
Suddenly a huge chasm opened in the earth.───大地突然裂开,形成一道深坑.
Four days after setting out , while the Titantic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.───启航四天后, 泰坦尼克号在穿过北大西洋多冰的海域时, 了望员突然发现了一个巨大的冰山.
It's safest to keep a good distance behind in case the car in front suddenly stops.───最安全的办法是在后面保持相当一段距离,以防前面的汽车突然停车.