Staff say he is suffering from exhaustion.───员工说他极度疲劳。
We mustn't forget the bitter past when we are relieved of our suffering.───咱们不能好了疮疤忘了痛.
He was suffering from chronic bronchitis.───他患有慢性支气管炎。
I hate to see animals suffering.───我不忍心看动物受苦。
A doctor's task is to work for the relief of patient's suffering.───医生的工作是解除病人的痛苦.
Within a few days she had become seriously ill, suffering great pain and discomfort.───几天的时间,她就病得很严重了,疼痛难忍,周身不舒服。
He told a press conference that Spain was suffering one of the worst droughts of the century.───他在记者招待会上说西班牙正遭受着本世纪最严重的旱灾之一。
He decided Franklin must be suffering from a bad cold.───他断定富兰克林一定是得了重感冒。
I keep suffering these mental lapses.
The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much.
Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much are the three pillars of learning.
People have become indifferent to the suffering of others.
Silence in times of suffering is the best.