Permit to work - hot work, excavation, confined space entry, scaffolding erection.───开作业票 -- 动火作业, 开挖, 限制空间进入, 脚手架安装,栅栏拆.
The workmen are now taking down the scaffolding round the building.───工人们正在拆卸建筑物周围的脚手架.
They are taking down a crane [ the scaffolding ].───他们正在拆吊车 [ 脚手架 ].
Scaffolding does not anything to save construction costs hangers.───不搭脚手架,节省建筑架子费用.
Workers have erected scaffolding around the base of the tower below the roadway.───工人们已经在车行道下的塔基四周竖起了脚手架。
Scaffolding was made from wooden poles, lashed together with ropes and chains.───很多木杆被绳子和锁链牢牢系在一起,搭成了脚手架.
The workmen rigged up some tubular scaffolding at once.───工人们立刻搭了个管子脚手架.
Double scaffold outside the structure will be built by scaffolding company.───1框架外的双排脚手架由架业公司搭设.
Visitors have complained about the scaffolding that shrouds half the castle.