He wore the garb of a scout.───他穿了一身童子军的装束。
Joshua sends out spies to scout out the land.───约书亚派出密探去侦察那片土地。
We went ahead to scout out the lie of the land.───我们先走一步,去侦察地形。
The Spanish scout told me after Arsenal signed me that they had come to see me 44 times, " he said at a Members' Day forum last week. "───“西班牙球探告诉我,阿森纳签了我之后来看了44次,”他在上周的会员日论坛上说。
Being an Eagle Scout, he said, had helped him soar to the impressive achievement of his career.───他告诉人们,多亏成为一名飞行员,他才能够建树他的生涯中那些令人难忘的业绩。
Before I am allowed to alight, several young Papuans scout the area, to see that nobody is watching us.───在我被允许下车之前,几个巴布亚年青人在四周进行了侦查,以确保没有人在监视我们。
He was mistaken for an enemy scout and badly wounded.