the cat scratch?───这只猫抓人吗?
my back – I've got an itch.───我挠挠背–我痒痒。
His work simply isn't up to scratch.───他的工作根本达不到要求。
Residents who had refused to go outside before would join him on the front lawn to scratch his ears.───疗养中心那些原来不愿意出来的老人们也开始来到楼前草地搔它的耳朵。
But America is not starting from scratch, and none of the plans in Congress shows an appetite for such a European solution.───但是美国并没有从零开始,国会提出的议案中,没有任何一项有意效仿欧洲的这种解决方法。
Do not use abrasive kitchen cleaners, as they will scratch the surface.───不要使用磨料厨房清洁剂,因为它们将触及表面而伤害到它。
We had to scratch two players from the team because of damaged knee joints.
Don't worry, it's only a scratch .
Is her schoolwork up to scratch?
Don't be a baby and cry over that little scratch.
There's far more to be said - I've only had time to scratch the surface in this talk.