Scratch resistance
You had a close shave, but you knew when you accepted this job that there would be risks.───你这次侥幸脱险,不过在接受这项工作的时候,你就知道会有一些危险。
I wish you'd take ( ie shave ) off that beard!───我希望你把胡子剃掉!
Buddhist priests shave their heads.───和尚都剃光头.
Haircut and shave, please.───请帮我剪头发和修胡须.
That man could do with a shave.───那个人能够刮刮脸就好了.
If you have long curly hair, don't shave it off.───如果你有一头卷曲的长发,不要剪掉。
He put some lather on his chin, and then began to shave.───他在下巴上涂了些肥皂泡沫, 然后开始刮脸.
A sharp razor gives a close shave.───剃刀锋利刮得就干净.
A sharp razor gives a close shave.