Become a beggar
If no one helps him, he may end up being a beggar.───如果没有人帮助他,他最终可能会成为一个乞丐。
He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry.───他警告说解除版权限制会使这个行业一贫如洗。
He was accosted by a beggar.───乞丐向他乞讨.
The old beggar threw himself at the Caliph's feet.───老乞丐扑倒在哈里发的脚下.
His benevolent nature prevented him from refusing any beggar who accosted him.───他乐善好施的本性使他不会拒绝走上前向他行乞的任何一个乞丐.
The old beggar was dirty and unkempt.───那个老乞丐蓬头垢面.
You'll beggar your family if you spend so much money on drink.───如果你花这么多钱喝酒你的家就会陷入贫困.
He tossed a penny to the beggar.───他扔给乞丐一便士。
The statistics beggar belief.───统计数据让人难以置信。
Aren't you dressed yet, you lazy beggar?───你这个懒汉还没穿好衣服吗?