Athletes need a good sense of balance.───运动员要有良好的平衡感。
She had trouble keeping her balance.───她保持平衡有困难。
He lost his balance and fell backwards.───他失去了平衡,往后跌倒了。
The issue of society balance is quite complicated, but the knot to solve complicacy is usually very simple: have room for maneuver.───社会平衡非常复杂,但复杂的事情道理往往很简单,无非是:进退得当。社会发展过快就会透支生力、过犹不及,无异于拔苗助长。
It was you who changed the balance between the dark and Light, and attracted the help of others off planet.───曾经就是你转变了在光明与黑暗之间的不和谐,而且吸引了来自其他星球的帮助力量。
With him on the left the balance of the side will be better and he's still not at his peak.───唐宁的双脚均衡,或许左脚还更牛那么一点点,而且他还尚未达到巅峰时期。