Borrowing card
Borrowing used not to be recommended.───过去是不建议借贷的。
He seemed to be preparing to sanction an increase in public borrowing.───他似乎正准备批准增加公共贷款。
He was afraid to approach his father about borrowing more money.───他不敢向他的父亲多借一点钱.
The budgetary arithmetic suggests that government borrowing is set to surge.───预算数字表明政府借款将要大幅增加。
Borrowing is set to soar to an astonishing £60 billion.───借款很可能猛增至惊人的600亿英镑.
The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures.───通胀数字未包括借贷成本。
The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.───这项基金基本上靠政府借款资助。
France was left isolated and at loggerheads with other EU member countries over its refusal to fall into line with demands to cut state borrowing.───法国与其他欧盟成员国要求削减国家借贷的意见相左,因而受到它们的孤立,与它们闹得不可开交。