The police think the bank robbers are holed up in Chicago.───警方认为抢银行的人藏在芝加哥.
He absconded from the bank with all the money.───他带着所有的钱从银行逃走了.
The robbers studied the layout of the bank.───这伙强盗研究了银行的布局.
The house is mortgaged to the bank for twenty thousand dollars.───这房子以两万美元押给银行.
Our attack was so vigorous that the enemy had to fall back to the river bank.───我方的进攻很猛烈,敌人只好退至河岸.
The bank manager has ironed out all my worries about money.───银行经理消除了我对钱款的忧虑.
He knew he'd be in trouble with the bank if he overspent again; I've helped him before, but this time I'm leaving him to stew in his own juice.───他知道再次透支他会与银行有麻烦的, 过去我曾帮助过他, 但这次我只能让他自作自受了.
She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts.───她在不同的银行账户上秘密储存了一大笔钱.
He pointed to something on the opposite bank.
I don't have a bank account.
The company's bank statements illustrate its success.
The criminals conspired to rob a bank.
The gang tried to intimidate the bank manager.