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Buy a bottle of water




Salt dissolves in water.───盐溶于水。

water deepened gradually.───水渐渐变深了。

The water was waist-deep.───水齐腰深。

Okay, what else goes in here? -And then we need to put in uhm, just some water, to make it a paste. -That's it?───好的,还要些什么?-然后我们需要放入,嗯,一些水,让它成浆糊状。-就这样吗?

Maybe to some layman, as we always joked, we even do not know whether the liquid in eppendorf tube is merely water or not.───或许对于一些外行人,就像我们所嘲笑的,我们甚至不知道离心管液体是否是水。

I dream of a complete water, gas up to the heart suddenly : How do you say that you and I have paid you a gold rings or I get to you?───我的一个梦彻底搅了,心里突然生起气来:那你说怎么办吧,是我还你一个金戒指还是我赔点钱给你?


Several branches of the willows drooped over the water.

He is a painter in water colours.

Fire and water have no mercy.

Too much water drowned the miller.

Oil and water do not mix.

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随机数学笑话: 数学笑话第二篇

郭文是个大妙人,但他酸酒如命,每次喝酒,非整瓶不欢。一天,他又喝得半醉了。他太太埋怨他已足足喝掉整瓶酒。 郭文闻言,微睁醉眼,一手拿起空瓶,一面摇头摆脑地说:"半瓶美酒,悲观者视之为空了一半,但乐观者却视为满了一半。无论悲观也好,乐观亦好,总是-----1/2瓶满的酒=1/2瓶空的酒。然而,代数法则有云,用同一常数乘以等式两边,其值不变。那麽,以2乘上式便得----1瓶满的酒=1瓶空的酒。由此而得,刚才你说我喝足一瓶满的酒岂不是说我根本没有喝酒吗?"


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