The bathroom is here
I knelt by the toilet and gagged.───我跪在马桶边作呕。
He heard the flush of a toilet.───他听到马桶的冲水声。
She had gone in to use the toilet.───她已经去上洗手间了。
It irritated her beyond measure to see the regularity with which he went through the unvarying process of his toilet.───看见他总是有规律地每天毫无变化地在同一时间进洗手间,也使她火气冲天。
Think, also, of the ladies of the land weaving toilet cushions against the last day, not to betray too green an interest in their fates!───再请想一想,这个大陆上的妇人们,编织着梳妆用的软垫,以便临死之日用,对她们自己的命运丝毫也不关心!
"The toilet, a vanity project of the city administration, has no practical significance at all, " wrote a blogger on Sina. com.───有新浪网的博客说,“这个公厕就是市政局的面子工程,没有一点实际作用。”