The battle between Fox and man
The fox is known for its cleverness and cunning.───狐狸的机敏和狡猾是人所共知的.
The fox escaped the hunter.───狐狸躲开了猎人.
The dogs tore the fox apart.───条狗把那只狐狸撕成了碎片。
By 1920, Fox and Universal were already names to conjure with.───到1920年,福克斯和环球已经声名显赫。
He governed with an adroitness that gained him the nickname "the old fox".───他因管理有方而为自己赢得了“老狐狸”的绰号。
A fox breaks wind in order to escape from hunting dogs.───狐狸放屁以逃避猎狗.
There is a big fox den on the back hill.───后山有一个很大的狐狸窝.
I have to say I didn'teven know Fox Lane Police Station existed till about four or five years ago.───我必须承认直到四五年前我才知道有福克斯巷警察局。