The largest mammal on land
She also refurbished the dry land mammal running most quickly speed record.───同时她也刷新了陆地哺乳动物最快奔跑速度.
The baiji is a beautiful mammal, on top of the chain, close to human beings.───白鳍豚是一种美丽的动物, 位列食物链的顶端, 并且亲近人类.
Its hairy body suggests a mammal.───它毛茸茸的身体表明它是哺乳动物。
Sika deer ( cervus nippon ), subordinated toartiodactyla, cervidae , muntiacus, is a kind of ruminated mammal.───梅花鹿 ( Cervusnippon ) 隶属偶蹄目 、 鹿科 、 鹿属, 是反刍哺乳动物.
Some larger, very agile mammal dissolve into similar, but smaller mammal things.───一些灵巧的大型哺乳动物逐渐演变成外形相似而体型较小的动物.
Community Structure and Vertical Distribution of Small Mammal in Baicaoling Mt.───与小兽群落结构及垂直分布>>相似的文献.
There is a close analogy between the gills of a fish and the lungs of a mammal.───鱼的鳃与哺乳动物的肺很相似.
Aardvark is a small and blue mammal.───食蚁兽先生是一种小型的蓝色哺乳动物.