Why wa ste valuable teaching time trying to knock in a list of facts, if the children aren't interested?───既然孩子们对罗列的事实不感兴趣,为什么要浪费宝贵的教学时间强行塞给他们 呢 ?
This job absorbs all of my time.───这件工作占用了我的全部时间.
The ship drifted helplessly for a time.───那艘船孤零无依地漂泊了一阵子.
The time appointed for the meeting was ten o'clock.───约定的开会时间是十点.
In the course of time , this kind of lantern has become an exclusive of the Shens.───后来, 这种灯笼成了沈家的绝活.
It's time to set our differences by and work together for a common purpose.───该是我们抛开分歧,为一个共同的目的而协力工作的时候了.
Stop fussing about; the bus will arrive on time.───别慌, 公共汽车会准时到达.
The inscription of the monument has worn away over a long period of time.───年深月久,碑文已经磨灭了.
A wide promenade allows many people to walk at the same time.───宽阔的人行道可容许多人同时行走.
It's about time you gave over that kind of conduct.───该停止做那种事了.