The road is wide and narrow
Claire hurried along the road.───克莱尔匆匆地沿路而行。
He danced off down the road.───他沿着马路蹦蹦跳跳地走了。
I drove along the dirt road.───我行驶在一条土路上。
Cyclists pedal along the long shore road and the only vehicles are a police car and a workers' truck.───江畔的道路上都是自行车,所能见到的机动车全是警车和运送工人的卡车。
Then a dog began to howl somewhere in a farm house far down the road--a long, agonized wailing, as if from fear .───接着,路尽头一所农舍附近响起狗的汪汪声,那是一声长长的哀鸣,似乎是因恐惧而发出的声音。
The wagon turned and crawled out the entrance road and back the way it had come, along the river.───马车调了头,慢慢地从来的入口徐徐出去,上了来时沿河的那条路。