traditional morals
世德───traditional morals
Shame is one of the basic content concerned in China's ancient traditional morals.───耻,是中国古代传统道德中关涉的基本内容之一。
The trustworthiness is a very important norm in Chinese traditional morals.───诚信是中国传统道德中十分重要的规范。
The traditional morals of Rome nation was handed down through generations from ancient times.───罗马民族自古以来就有一种世代相袭的传统美德。
They challenged the established norms of society and the hang ups caused by traditional morals, which they referred to as the system.───他们挑战社会的既有规范和传统道德观的“禁区”。这些规范和禁区被他们称为“体制”。
In matters of marriage, he is not willing to consider family, would not press the traditional morals request to do.───在婚姻问题上,他也不愿考虑家族利益,不愿按传统道德的要求去做。
In moral revolution, Liang Qiaochao criticized the private morals of Chinese traditional morals by the bourgeois public morals.───在进行道德革命时,他用资产阶级的“公德”批判中国传统道德的“私德”;
These peculiarly popular cultivation are the roots of existence and development for Yumuzhai's perception of dutifulness, they are one of the precious culture heritages in Chinese traditional morals.
Confucius' "Songs enlightenment" is the inheritance and development of traditional morals from Western Chou Dynasty.
Love and give presents to our parents is the primary request of Chinese traditional morals, but it is disappointed and worried about polytechnic school student's showing at this side.