The wings of bees
Conclusion: Its useful for Ramulas Cinnamomi to be prepared by frying or with honeybee.───结论: 桂枝的炒制和蜜制是有意义的.
Tarantula venom is weaker than that of a honeybee.───狼蛛毒液的毒性比蜜蜂的都弱。
Beewax is a kind of adipose substance secreted by wax gland in honeybee workers.───本试验研究了西方蜜蜂五个亚种和Ea与之正反交组合的泌蜡量,并分析了影响泌蜡量的主要因素与泌蜡量的关系.
A fatal disease of honeybee larvae caused by one of several types of bacteria, including alvei.───污仔病,幼虫腐败病:蜜蜂幼虫的毁灭性疾病,由几种细菌的一种引起, 包括:芽孢杆菌.
He is knowledgeable about the biology of the honeybee.───他对蜜蜂的生活规律知之甚多.
The collection of bee venom by electric shocking is not beneficial to honeybee population and production.───电取蜂毒不利于蜜蜂群势发展和养蜂生产.
Chinese honeybee ( Apis cerana cerana ) is a vital economic insect, it is largely bred in China.───中华蜜蜂 ( Apisceranacerana ) 是一种重要的经济昆虫, 在国内有大量饲养.
He runs to the flowering shrubs in asks honeybee: Little elder sister, How can be joyful?───他跑到花丛中问蜜蜂: 小姐姐, 怎样才能快乐 呢 ?
The honeybees have taken this basic arrangement and elaborated it to an extreme degree so that they live in colonies of many thousands.
Honeybee is polyandry and eusocial-insect that they produce by colony fission and swarming who communicate with dancing and pheromone.
Meanwhile, von Frisch had looked at the honeybee dance more closely.
People and honeybees have a long history together.
He is knowledgeable about the biology of the honeybee.