The writing on the blackboard is neat
板书───Writing on the blackboard;工整───Neat
He is writing on the blackboard with the chalk.───他在教室里,他在黑板上写字。
My teacher's hands are writing on the blackboard.───我的老师的手正在黑板上写字。
Our teacher was writing on the blackboard.───老师正在黑板上写字。
Psychological characteristics of students writing on the blackboard with pictures and method of using image enhanced, vivid.───板书结合学生的心理特点采用图文并茂的方法增强了形象性、生动性。
Multiple teaching; lesson preparation; writing on the blackboard; classroom teaching; student cooperation; attention to the law.───复式教学;备课;板书;课堂教学;学生合作;注意规律。
Seated at the back of the classroom, she couldn't see clearly what her teacher was writing on the blackboard.───坐在教室的后面,她看不清老师在黑板上写什么。
He stood there writing on the blackboard.
The first morning that I walked into the class the teacher, Charles Frye, was writing on the blackboard.