They are too young
Old age disabled him for hard work.───年迈使他不能胜任繁重工作.
If you agree to this name, madam , she's sure to live to a ripe old age.───姑奶奶若依我这名字, 必然长命百岁.
Jack is very small for his age.───按他的年龄,杰克的个子显得太小.
In her young age Miss Ross did her best as a school teacher.───在她的青年时代,罗斯小姐尽到了身为一位教师的最大本分.
I reached the age of 27 and suddenly started to feel broody.───到27岁时,我突然产生了很想要个孩子的念头。
Technophobia increases with age.───随着年龄的增长,技术恐惧感越来越强烈。
Sagacity, unlike cleverness, usually increases with age.───明智和聪明不同, 通常是随着年龄增长的.
Old age creeps upon one unawares.───不知不觉老年就来临了.
Youth looks forward and age backward.
He lived in a gentler age than ours.
Jane is very mature for her age.
Reckless youth makes rueful age.
The paint was brittle with age.